Here you find some interesting weblinks to the issue Astronomie.
First a little but important note:
For all our weblinks as general rule:
we distance us from all contents and designs of the linked homepages on our whole website. This announcement is gerneral rule for all weblinks , banners and contents of this sites our website contains.
But now the weblinks!
First we thank the Werner-Heisenberg-Gymnasium Riesa where our website was supportet for a long time. Here you can find all information about the shool and there “inhabitants”:
For long years god coorperation and some god support for our work. Some Greatings to:
Here you find the Teleskop-Service Wolfgang Ransburg GmbH in Munich, a shop where we bought the majority of our equipment:
The airfield Canitz where we are allowed to observe the night sky from:
Here a forum where we also publish:
Die folgende Seite ist von Jan Giehrisch, welcher in Gostewitz, in der Nähe von Riesa, einen Sonnenuhrenladen eröffnet hat. Also wenn Sie mal eine Sonnenuhr brauchen sind Sie mit folgendem Link an der richtigen Adresse: Sie finden bei Jan Giehrisch aber nicht nur Sonnenuhren, sondern auch andere nützliche Sachen.
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Several forums about astronomy: Der Treffpunkt für Astronomie
Astronomie Forum und Treffpunkt –
On Clasky you can track satellites and other objects in the sky.
On Heavens-Above you can also calculate flyovers from the ISS or other satellites.
The best weather forcasts you find on:
Wettervorhersage für Hobbyastronomen
The weblink to Thomas Nitsche, who operates a observatory on his balcony:
The website of Rotaract Clubs Riesa:
Here you find a list of star parties in germany:
On the homepage of Carsten Przygode you find some interessting information about astronomy and a timetable with a lot of astronomical events.
Here you find the “Lindenhof Peritz”.
Since 1999 the are observations on the observatory Strehla in cooperation with the Jugenherberge Strehla. The webpresention of the Jugenherberge Strehla you find here:
In the “Teigwaren Riesa” we show guests the stars since the first “Nudelnacht”.
At the Tourismus Information Riesa you find all about events in Riesa.
Do you want to borrow an astronaut? Here is you chance on:
An der Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in Leipzig hält unser Sternwartenleiter eine Vorlesung über die Entwicklung der Astronomie.
Here you find a lot of links to the issue astronomy.
On this weblink you finde the “Monschauer Sternfreunde”.
Here you finde the “Jugendparlament Riesa”.
On the following page you find a list of observatories an some information about astronomy. Also about the observatory in Riesa.
Zum Beitrag der Sternwarte Riesa